Green Buildings and Building Retrofits – Improving Health and Health Equity while Fighting Climate Change

The Climate, Health and Health Equity Benefits of Green Buildings and Building Retrofits

Wealth and health in a sustainable future

By Ronald Macfarlane, CHASE Associate, September 2, 2020 Business as usual is not an option. Exponential economic growth that relies on increasing consumption of natural

Lancet Countdown 2018: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change

Global Findings – Impacts of Climate Change On November 29th, a global research team hailing from 27 academic institutions and inter-governmental organizations, released the 2018

Lancet Countdown 2017: Climate Change Health Impacts Demand Urgent Action

“The human symptoms of climate change are unequivocal and potentially irreversible – affecting the health of populations around the world, today. Whilst these effects will

Traffic Corridors, Air Pollution & Human Health

Over the last two decades, dozens of studies have been directed at air pollution and negative health impacts along high volume traffic corridors in cities around the world.