Invest in Renewable Energy for a Healthy, Green and Just Recovery

Renewable energy can improve air quality and public health, reduce health inequities, while fighting climate change.

Invest in Public Transit to Create Healthy, Green and Just Communities

Prepared by Kim Perrotta MHSc – February 8, 2021 (Investir dans le transport en commun pour creer des collectivites saines vertes et equitables) The COVID-19

Use Taxpayer Dollars to Create a Healthy, Green & Just Future

Prepared by Kim Perrotta MHSc, CHASE Executive Director, November 20, 2020 In a few weeks, the Federal Government will release its new budget; a budget

A Tale of Two Crises

Prepared by Kim Perrotta, CHASE ED, April 7, 2020 As a public health professional who has worked on environmental issues for over 30 years, I